Thursday 2 November 2023

A Prison Without Walls

A prison without walls

Neither goes a day nor a night
Ever I had forgone to forget
For no any respite at sight
From horrors of heart I regret

Far and free from ties that bind
Invincible to escape them in vain
The invisible strings in my mind
Strangling me in gloom and pain

To shake them off hard I tried
Oblivion of their lingering cast
Failing to triumph loud I cried
As they creep from a callous past

With Misty eyes bleeding tears
Reciting ballads of gushing sorrow
For nothing can allay my fears
Recluse I remain with no tommorow

Stranded alone amidst this ocean vast
Endless thoughts of melancholic falls
For no where to go forever they last
I languish in this prison without Walls...

Saturday 14 May 2022



A Reason for Treason

A serene dawn awakes at the horizon

Bringing forth the sky a dazzling Sun

As the silver moon hushed to move on

Leaving me alone for an amused one

Bright day though got me a sticky trail

A rather hilarious and mute companion

When came above a dark cloudy veil

It vanished quickly far beyond oblivion

As I chuckled to shrug off with a grin

Thinking I could get away with a smile

Battering hopes barged in a bleakly grim

As the smirk walked away in a while

I chugged along with it as a gloomy pair

Believing deep it would forgo me never

Tears gushing down my cheeks in despair

And the murk distanced me forever

With aplomb I had my wisdom to bank

Unaware of an iota it left me to forget

I sighed lonely in silence to tank

With no life left to ponder and regret

This is a game beyond reason

For there is no fair trial for Treason.....

Saturday 15 May 2021

The Virtual Reality

        The Virtual Reality

I stare with awe the azure skies
For a momentous serenity to seize
Beyond the sight of curious eyes
To envision a hidden elegance to please

I listen to the rythmn of swaying breeze
In quest of a whisper swirling in silence
Traveling discreetly for eons with ease
To decipher the calling of a queer parlance

I inhale the scent of the humus fizzle
The essence of all life on and oblivion
Rising to enchant post the first mizzle
To find my place in the eternal pavilion

I strolled on stark the lush green lawn
Tasting the lustrous drops of melting dew
Cuddled in the warmth of the waking dawn
To quench the thirst of destiny I never knew

Farther from expression and encryption
Dwells a triumph of sanity to discover
Often ignored in haste and haze of Vanity
Lies secluded a heaven of virtual Reality...

Tuesday 2 February 2021

A Penance of Wisdom

   A penance of wisdom

Above the canopy of the endless sky
Brighter than shoots of evergreen peaks
Those noble ideals of your virtues lie
As the dazzling sparkle of laurels speaks

With a heart vast than the deepest seas 
 You strive to skim out priceless treasure
 For there's nothing that can appease
 As our prosperity is your only pleasure

Desparate gloom as the time presents
Yet stand tall by your conscience call
To illuminate our lives to lofty ascents
Unfazed and down by the callous fall

Lives blossom by your sheer presence 
For yours isn't a sojourn for elite stardom
But an era to preach this subtle essence
With your divine penance of wisdom

Wednesday 1 January 2020



ATwilight dazzled on a hazy dawn
Past the clouds of gloom to spread
To bloom the farthest bud in the lawn
Chose you it's mighty wings instead

Sprout in us the little shoots of hope 
Buried deep in the humes of ignorance
Gaily n gently us you nurture to cope
With a smile of warmth all our defiance

You put us to test with a heavy heart
To empower us see the brightest sight
For we stand firm n out we stand apart 
Courageous through the darkest night 

As you exhaust all to glimmer at dusk
With a grin of delight cloaking the pains
Yet to linger in us with enthralling musk
As a triumph of erudice in the vast plains

Animating your virtuous greens of values
To enshrine your trail to glory in the wild
For we climb and rise along its sinews
To cherish the ideals as your little child

Thursday 30 August 2018

The Eternal Theodre

The Eternal Theodre

The Sun shines bright every dawn
As the buds sparkle with lustrous dew
Above the rivers and lush green lawn
For he yearns to see the smiling you

Let time and space prise us far apart
Yet I linger around alike a silent breeze
Forever to enshrine you close to my heart
While you just ponder of me with ease

As I smirk over our squabbles of the past
 When you gloated on those loony tussles
Of those priceless times that memoirs cast
 As the chimes of wind your giggles bustle

How queer to spell for it’s a tongue twister
The bond you share as a sweet little sister!!.....

A quarrel I would always lose to win...A giggle I would always want to linger ...A bond I seldom comprehend..and a gift I would ever want...Sister!!!!

Tuesday 5 December 2017



I arose in the lofty summits of the world
Awakened from the dormant callous cold
To explore my esoteric self as life unfurled
I embarked on a sojourn, vibrant and bold

Down the rocky boulders as me they tore
I twirled and tumbled into the vast plains
Enlivening the blossoms along the shore
I drained to sprouts along the stoic terrains

Withering into a nebulous mist and dust
I drifted along the winds as mettle abates
Reaching the poor soul that lays to rust
I drizzle to quench his thirst that awaits

Bewildering to the very iota that I foresee
I sprint along the ridges and ravines deep
Reaching at last the abysmal endless sea
I leap above with all might to a lofty creep

Craving a certain win to scale it all high
Oblivion of my fall with every spring
Breathing a sigh of regret in campaign
For mine is a pursuit of purpose in vain...

                We all often muddle and slosh through testing tribulations in this sojourn in pursuit of our destiny to seek our purpose.. yet the destiny might be a chagrin and despair for all the endeavours we made in the past...which brings us to a presumption "Is destiny  just an impetus to propel us  embark on this wonderful sojourn which is the true essence of life.? Is the quest for the right direction or destiny the true pursuit of purpose?" Who knows !

Saturday 22 July 2017



The elixir of life gallops down the stream
 Rushing n gushing from a lofty height
 Casts a magic spell queer as in a dream
 Into a trance to delve at its very first sight

 As it tumbles down it scatters and drizzles
 Frolicking alike a frenzy dalliant little fawn
 It dances to the tunes of breeze that whistles
 On to the lush green laurels of the rocky lawn

 As it flies on the wings of the herons flung wide
 Embrace it round with open heart as you near
 Unleashing your spirits to rise high and  glide
 Enthralled to the music it plays to tickle the ear

 Live the moment drenched in the lustrous drain
 Unlike an other day of life you ever had again.....

Friday 2 June 2017


        THE BEAST

Deep within my abysmal heart to reside
Nurtured along virulence & vice a while
Lays hidden a callous savage to preside
Lurking beneath a calm treacherous smile

Not the soothing drizzles of love & trust
Revive the budding shoots of its hopes slain
But the gushing floods of loathe and lust
Ameliorate the wounds of excruciating pain

Haunted by shadows of its memoirs cast
Grieving its past with a repugnant roar
For it vows to avenge the heinous outcast
Calling upon the allies of chaos and furor 

Sporting a sharp gaze of ferocious leer
Its beats of thumping heart beckon rancor
Emanating thunders of surmounting fear
As the cowards flee into havens of succor

Not so long as the virtuous strings dismount
Unleashing the brute to pounce upon with rage
The derisive laughs of oppression that surmount 
Blown off to torched dust in its fiery umbrage

Embarking a feral carnage of bloody comb
Bestows storms of annihilation and doom
Daunting it stands atop melancholic tomb
With no refrain it wreaks havoc and gloom

To taunt my mild attire you shouldn't dare
For I am a lethal beast you better beware.

 All the good and the evil in the world is within thyself.Thou shall find it as thou seek.Blessed is the one who is aware of impostors both and holds'em alike and if oblivious yet thou better beware for thou shall succumb to its flares of rage..

Friday 31 March 2017



I wish to ask the gushing stream
 Why fade thin into a foggy one
 And vanish like a twilight dream
 In the umbra of the sparkling sun

I wish to ask the shining moon
 Why lose thy convivial luster
And retreat midst a sunny noon
With thy chums of starry cluster

I wish to ask the dazzling morn
Why turn grim to a stormy gloom
And cloak thyself in a fluffy yarn
Of dark clouds from a magic loom

I really wonder if it's a price to vie
Paid hard to enshrine their sanctity
Whence stay low thence spurt high
Redeeming their glorious lost Identity

We all live in a constantly capricious world where one prefers to vie than to vouch.Learn from the nature to enshrine self for thou shalt strike when the time is ripe in this battle of existence and effervescence....

Friday 10 March 2017



Two long flight of  lustrous stairs
Converge far onto a lofty gallery
For the enigma within that bears
What lies beyond  a queer mystery

One with a velvet red fast and low
For I can gallop many above in a go
Other of a silky blue steep and slow
While I scramble along to make it so

Oblivion of the fact that I was told
Should I reach the coveted place high
Wouldn't see a better world to unfold
When I pause for a breath deep sigh

Fearful of the sight of a deadly fall
From where as both these would take
Yet I decided to go with slow and tall
With no reason as a choice to make.

As I would say with glee and gay
Not the haunts of failure and strife
But memoirs of triumph which stay
In this sojourn of the ascent of  life

 ....We often do take different paths in life  to reach different destinations only to find that not the destiny but the path to destiny is the true essence and how stoic the destiny and how tiresome a journey be all we care about is the triumph in the ascent of life...What an irony...

P.S. Dedicated to Robert Frost....

Tuesday 24 January 2017


           AN  ILLUSION

 In a world that is as good as real
Charming alike an infant's smile
I'm filled with  great zest and zeal
All like a trance just in a while
I let go off those binding strings
That entangle and estrange me
And fly high on the angel's wings
With those enchant and enthral me
Embellished with evergreen lawn
Humming zephyr with magpie crew
Nourished by a everglowing dawn
Its like a wish that just came true
Although I know all this is a lie
As they all  just appease and tease
I never reasoned this flaw as to why
For I envisaged to find inner peace
As delight to those I care and love
I delve deep in this chimera forever
Cloaking my eternal pain with above
Dormant in a dream to awake never
Lingering around this stark allusion
I embrace this wonderful illusion.......

Illusions aren't delusions that misguide you but also those which give you respite and blossom smiles on your beloved.. For you have fooled none but yourself  to seek a haven and make life a heaven to those around who are worth it.....

Friday 13 January 2017


               AU REVOIR
It was a wonderful sojourn to grace
As each other we greet and embrace
With all your cheers of glee I have grown
Yet I bugged you all with a  grumpy frown
As you shrug it off with a hearty smile
Leaving me aback pondering over a while
All the moments were a priceless jewel
Beyond any memoirs of ecstasy to dwell
Any skirmish  we had was more a treasure
For they remind me of our  fun and pleasure
As I clear the flock to brace the sky high
Yet I say this with a deep feeling of sigh
How  callous is this agile capricious time
Oblivion of its presence is grave crime
I bid adieu with a heavy heart and tears
With a vow to stay along for years…..

Its time to move on.....Thank you for every thing L&T

Sunday 25 September 2016



 Ahead of my parents they rejoice
 At the very onset of my voice
Never better had they any mirth
Until the little event of my birth
Nurtured gaily in their cuddled arms
I frolicked like a fawn in the farms
The sounds of my babble and cackle
Would clear any sorrow beyond tackle
Wobbled in their palm with tiny toes
I grew up tall and big into their shoes
Can't pick any of those as a best part
The days I grew close to their heart
 As the callous time that went on
Couldn't believe now they are gone
I move on along with memoirs sweet
Deep in my heart from they greet
Only in order next as they stand
 Second to none in  love so grand...

I really miss my grand parents at this moment in life when see their dreams come true..I couldn't realize how priceless their love was until today when they are no more...Love you grand pa and ma..

Tuesday 5 July 2016



Lost deep in the windy roar
Shrills of grief from the core
Swept away in the stormy rain
Tears of gloom from eternal pain
Awaiting eyes exhausted to sight
The sparkling daylight of delight
Scattered far in the blizzard of fall
The shoots of hope beyond recall
All the chimes that winds rhyme
Left behind in the sands of time
As the ballads dwell in the pavilion
Remind my heart  of  the past oblivion.

Many tales untold....tears uncaught...wounds unseen....remain close  to the battered heart and the witness of the nature which played their part in encrypting the feelings beyond exhume....

Wednesday 2 December 2015



On my serene stroll in the green lawn
Just before the sparkling crack of dawn
Cuddled by the gentle singing breeze
And magpie chirping along with ease
I gazed with awe at the horizon high
As she gaily descended from the sky
Like a sunrise above the clouds past
A dazzling face midst her tresses cast
Her lustrous smile drifts into a trance
Like a chimera in no dream a chance
Embracing with warmth to her bosom
Like a nurtured bud I bloom to blossom
Before we betroth to leave other never
The callous laws of nature prise forever
With dew abseiling as her eyelids part
She drizzles to grief with a heavy heart
Leaving to her godly celestial abode
Lingers her fragrance as I wait to bode
With clear skies and an enchanting bow
I move along the laurels steady and slow
And dwell in a trail of her memoirs sweet
With a ray of hope at a first light we meet

I can't think of a better scenario that equally portrays gloom and glee and a better relation than love that hurts when it cares......

Saturday 17 October 2015



I wouldn't know the world as I
If I haven't made the first cry
I wouldn't know of a elite parlance
Unless for an exquisite silence
I wouldn't know I was  different
Unless all around were indifferent
I wouldn't know of the brightest light
Unless I dwell though a darkest night
I wouldn't know I could ever love
Until her gaily descent from above
I wouldn't know if anything was lost
Unless everything comes with a cost
I wouldn't know to be better ever
Until I was the best to be never
I wouldn't know I could succeed
Until to defeat I should concede
I wouldn't know it's death at last
Until I leave my breath to last 
Yet all these years I have grown
Oblivion of those I have known

It seems you can't forgo one to know the other in the world as there is no shade without light and  no glee without gloom...All we could do is to endorse every little moment in life as it happens to engross in every better moment as it gets....

Sunday 5 April 2015



Today I'm hardly any complete
Stoic alike an eclipsed sun
For a void inside  must replete
Bonding with its kernel one
I lost a queer battle of its kind
knocked down to the abysmal core
With a timid heart and chaotic mind
I grieve in pain as never before
A fazed and feared me as I see
Looking down on the ruffled bay
On the waters of the calm sea
Has many a message in it to say
To grope every lane in the maze
In a quest to know what it is
For the lurking reply to amaze
To realize it's the missing piece.

I really feel unlike myself not as before where in I begin my conquest to toil every odd and fill the void with that kernel piece and be myself again.As I strongly believe Its not your fault to give in but it is a blunder to give up....

Thursday 29 January 2015



In a crowd well homely and known
yet I stand apart  lonely and alone
With prowess of verna, a polyglot
But to express the heart,none I got
Nurtured & cared as their beloved one
I dwell in their hearts but bound by none
As bright as the shining sun at noon
While obscure as the discreet moon
For I listened to an ardent inner voice
While I always made a blatant choice
Presuming cognizance on around all
Except myself  it's often a queer call
Nothing better I have in this parlance
To confess this strange acquaintance

Saturday 20 December 2014



On a stroll along the endless shore
By the tumbling tides that roar
With the golden sun sparkling at day
And  silver moon shining  over the bay
Enduring the scorching pebbles and sand
Warping to the freezing nights I stand
To lumber along with aplomb and conceit
Of the glowing trail of my marching feet
That vanquish one's every tint of doubt
with a reply of a strong clout
But no sign of destiny all around at sight
And my waning mettle and might
I pause a while to turn and retrospect
At my staggered glowing trail prospect
Only to find them dozed and fazed
By the marauding tides that brazed
Laughing to myself at my futile dogma
I resume along to unravel the enigma
Until my feet no longer stride and sprint
To allude the world with a little hint
Lo!Here rests the one in peace
with open arms and empty sleeves
Who conquered none he believes
But left a trail for the world to see
To cherish and resume his legacy
 accepts all with no ruffle and rife
In his little sojourn called life

We presume to have conquered many things , have overcome many hurdles and have achieved a lot but at the end it matters very little or nothing for we take along nothing but  leave a luxuriant legacy to be cherished and nurtured.Its the destiny for its never ending and ever be contd....

Saturday 19 July 2014


                                           THE WINDS OF CHANGE 

   I Rose from the covers of the earth
    That nurtured  me till my birth                                      
    Gaily and slowly clearing my eyes
    Above I see the bright blue skies                                     
     I sway with ease with my leaves                                    
   merrily to the tunes that breeze weaves                                     
   With all the love n warmth from the Sun                                   
    I dream to grow into strong and one                                    
     But when all the glee turned gloom                                 
  Dwelling every fear and doom                                      
  With  the dazzling skies turning dark                                   
    As the sun vanished without a mark                                   
     When the gales began to roar                                   
    and puffy clouds began to pour                                     
   I stood firm with the eyes closed tight                                  
   marking a course of  a virtual fight                                   
  Others all tall and with all might                                       
   yet  did  soon  fell out of sight                                       
   When it all ended with the storm                                     
   I peeped out like a weary worm                                    
     To look at the serene skies above                                  
  Adorned subtly in enchanting bow                                      
  I saw with awe every friend calm n tall                                  
  who went trough every storm and fall                                      
  But for one thing it is really strange
  Ever the same are the winds of change....

In a world that is sprinting ahead on par with time we seldom have the chance to analyse the series of events we are subjected to.Eventually we embark on a journey which seems very familiar yet very strange...Before it really happened, we don't observe the change when it has happened it doesn't matter.Still the only thing that's permanent is the change

Saturday 12 April 2014


             I'm marooned in the painful  past
             In shadows of memoirs that cast
              My heart grieves for the one
              Yet for others next to none
             Burning in the rage of remorse
              In guilt making it much worse
             For all in that heinous fallacy
              Which you can never fancy
              It was all like in a trance
             I didn't had another chance 
             To set the things all straight
             By the way they were right
             I make this woeful confession
             Seeking for a divine ablution

We all make many mistakes troubling others may be deliberately or desperately,but only few of us have a second chance to set the things straight by making up for the past.Its always now or never to seek forgiveness rather than to be engulfed by the rage of remorse.             

Monday 31 March 2014


                             CONFLICTS WITH CONSCIENCE

                                  A mighty mind with I think
                                    Fast enough while I blink
                                    A bold heart with I feel
                                  Driving my nerves of steel
                                  Resides with in a silent soul
                                   Binding all above to a whole
                                   Yet all these never decide
                                    But its you ever preside
                                  Despite my prowess at peak
                                    I feel restless and meek
                                 Its nevertheless to mention
                                   For you are my reflection
                              Un driven by delight and desire
                                Unfazed by spite and satire
                                   As you stand with might
                                For what you conclude right
                                   I earnestly thrive to unite
                                  with you for eternal respite
                               Enduring all the pain with patience
                                 In the conflicts with conscience
 Like the five elements of nature that move the universe..the five elements of stature that drive one's life.The mind ,The heart,The body,The soul and last but not the least the conscience,which knowingly or unknowingly will prevail over our thoughts and actions.When these five elements unite the entire universe conspires your might making you the omnipotent next only to the omniscient almighty....Well its easier said than we still look up to those who h've accomplished rather than to look into ourselves to achieve it...                             

Sunday 16 March 2014


               I swayed off the course
              With no sign of remorse
         Seeking an explanation for the past
              Talking no offence at last
           With no fear of anything to lose
           For there are many I choose
           Allowing thing to rearrange
          With a hope to bring a change
          But something tells not to rely
         For their evil intentions that belie
             A lesson I wish to teach
            Driving them off my reach
          Though to be gentle and kind  
           Its hard to change their mind
           I don't bear upon any grudge
              For there is he to judge

Sometimes we cannot accept things going around us yet cant help prevent them. Be it material or human..deliberate or  desperate ....we always have a choice to decide who calls the shots...



                                   THE DIFFERENCE

                             I thought I could always mingle
                             But its lot easier to be single
                           At times to confess we are alike
                            Unable to shun what we dislike
                            I accede to the hilarious fact
                            For one differs in one's act
                            Like every other Iam different
                             In both psyche and physique
                            And thoughts and acts unique
                               I give my best to uphold
                             For I cant let myself behold
                          But for the axiom we all cherish
                              Alone we are all different
                          Together we make a difference                               
Its really hilarious to believe that we are all the same despite all the disparities. Every eclectic  character and emotion we observe is nothing but reflection of ourselves in a different perspective

Saturday 18 January 2014



       I come from no where here
         Lustrous and crystal clear
        Beyond rocks and ravines I see
        To reach the mighty endless sea
        Always azure and often agile
         Where I start low and alone
         And sway accord to its tone
          Rise along when alone I fall
          For I sprint ahead to stand tall
        In every effort to get back
        But needless drawn back
        I leave marking the shore
           Making no fuss and furrore
          Destined to vanish in the thin air
         Like I never existed there
            In this wonderful elixir of Life
            Hidden lies the essence of Life

Our lives are often like the water,we come from no where, mingle with one another,create a purpose ,rise to achieve it yet fall some times but finally accede destiny.All we could do is a little good and a be of a little help to the mankind for we create a legacy to uphold and  alight....Like wise in this elixir of life lies THE ESSENCE OF LIFE..

Saturday 28 September 2013


                          THE THREE MUSKETEERS
Betrayed by the ruthless fate
Reluctant ,yet hapless  to debate
Mulled with no voice to express
But a strong prowess to impress
Being deprived of his colorful vision
Yet driven by his earnest mission
Muffled by the eternal silence around
Humming to the tunes of the inner sound
Stride the three musketeers with bravery
Against all odds and every mockery
Turning all their jeers to hearty cheers
They leave the trail for us to sail miles
A voyage of Life with all the smiles

We always have two choices when knocked down by life. To rise against all odds and succeed or to succumb to all blows and recede. This anecdote of a blind,deaf and dumb persons each conversing exuberantly with one another in a local train, is an inspiring breeze to myself and every other striving to succeed,reminds me of an old moral called "THE CELEBRATION OF BEING ALIVE"

Monday 25 March 2013



When mind makes a choice
It speaks with lips apart.
When your eyes have a voice..
They speak to the heart
Though not always bright
But always straight & right
With no treason to hide
And a reason to abide
With tears to express grief..
But also hope and belief
The verna of universal parlance

Friday 7 December 2012


A view always to skew
But hard to purview
When taken for a guide
But not for a ride
For each and every its true
And hard for others to construe
Though discreet they reside
Always discrete to decide
Either aware or awake
It is a tough call to make
As they stem from a sight
To blossom into a deep Insight...

          Its an axiom that we have different ideas and every that stems from a different perspective nevertheless good or bad to review, as it is what we receive and what we perceive...

Friday 6 July 2012


The most esoteric thing which decides the fate of every being that is almost impalpable and intangible that no clairvoyance is good enough to predict it.

You can turn a prince to pauper
And flip a failure to prosper
Without any reason to decide
To deal the challenges you provide
You make things go wild
Even they are meek and mild
To anticipate you is an enigma
For your presence is a dogma
All we could do is to dare
To stand up for and bear
When things take a sheer turn
Not knowing what's in the Urn
We can only hope for the best 
Counting on the supreme for the rest
For we get to know you
Only when we reach you
As you are different for every one
To take on you there is none