Friday 10 March 2017



Two long flight of  lustrous stairs
Converge far onto a lofty gallery
For the enigma within that bears
What lies beyond  a queer mystery

One with a velvet red fast and low
For I can gallop many above in a go
Other of a silky blue steep and slow
While I scramble along to make it so

Oblivion of the fact that I was told
Should I reach the coveted place high
Wouldn't see a better world to unfold
When I pause for a breath deep sigh

Fearful of the sight of a deadly fall
From where as both these would take
Yet I decided to go with slow and tall
With no reason as a choice to make.

As I would say with glee and gay
Not the haunts of failure and strife
But memoirs of triumph which stay
In this sojourn of the ascent of  life

 ....We often do take different paths in life  to reach different destinations only to find that not the destiny but the path to destiny is the true essence and how stoic the destiny and how tiresome a journey be all we care about is the triumph in the ascent of life...What an irony...

P.S. Dedicated to Robert Frost....

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