Friday 31 March 2017



I wish to ask the gushing stream
 Why fade thin into a foggy one
 And vanish like a twilight dream
 In the umbra of the sparkling sun

I wish to ask the shining moon
 Why lose thy convivial luster
And retreat midst a sunny noon
With thy chums of starry cluster

I wish to ask the dazzling morn
Why turn grim to a stormy gloom
And cloak thyself in a fluffy yarn
Of dark clouds from a magic loom

I really wonder if it's a price to vie
Paid hard to enshrine their sanctity
Whence stay low thence spurt high
Redeeming their glorious lost Identity

We all live in a constantly capricious world where one prefers to vie than to vouch.Learn from the nature to enshrine self for thou shalt strike when the time is ripe in this battle of existence and effervescence....

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