Tuesday 5 December 2017



I arose in the lofty summits of the world
Awakened from the dormant callous cold
To explore my esoteric self as life unfurled
I embarked on a sojourn, vibrant and bold

Down the rocky boulders as me they tore
I twirled and tumbled into the vast plains
Enlivening the blossoms along the shore
I drained to sprouts along the stoic terrains

Withering into a nebulous mist and dust
I drifted along the winds as mettle abates
Reaching the poor soul that lays to rust
I drizzle to quench his thirst that awaits

Bewildering to the very iota that I foresee
I sprint along the ridges and ravines deep
Reaching at last the abysmal endless sea
I leap above with all might to a lofty creep

Craving a certain win to scale it all high
Oblivion of my fall with every spring
Breathing a sigh of regret in campaign
For mine is a pursuit of purpose in vain...

                We all often muddle and slosh through testing tribulations in this sojourn in pursuit of our destiny to seek our purpose.. yet the destiny might be a chagrin and despair for all the endeavours we made in the past...which brings us to a presumption "Is destiny  just an impetus to propel us  embark on this wonderful sojourn which is the true essence of life.? Is the quest for the right direction or destiny the true pursuit of purpose?" Who knows !

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