Thursday 30 August 2018

The Eternal Theodre

The Eternal Theodre

The Sun shines bright every dawn
As the buds sparkle with lustrous dew
Above the rivers and lush green lawn
For he yearns to see the smiling you

Let time and space prise us far apart
Yet I linger around alike a silent breeze
Forever to enshrine you close to my heart
While you just ponder of me with ease

As I smirk over our squabbles of the past
 When you gloated on those loony tussles
Of those priceless times that memoirs cast
 As the chimes of wind your giggles bustle

How queer to spell for it’s a tongue twister
The bond you share as a sweet little sister!!.....

A quarrel I would always lose to win...A giggle I would always want to linger ...A bond I seldom comprehend..and a gift I would ever want...Sister!!!!

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