Monday 31 March 2014


                             CONFLICTS WITH CONSCIENCE

                                  A mighty mind with I think
                                    Fast enough while I blink
                                    A bold heart with I feel
                                  Driving my nerves of steel
                                  Resides with in a silent soul
                                   Binding all above to a whole
                                   Yet all these never decide
                                    But its you ever preside
                                  Despite my prowess at peak
                                    I feel restless and meek
                                 Its nevertheless to mention
                                   For you are my reflection
                              Un driven by delight and desire
                                Unfazed by spite and satire
                                   As you stand with might
                                For what you conclude right
                                   I earnestly thrive to unite
                                  with you for eternal respite
                               Enduring all the pain with patience
                                 In the conflicts with conscience
 Like the five elements of nature that move the universe..the five elements of stature that drive one's life.The mind ,The heart,The body,The soul and last but not the least the conscience,which knowingly or unknowingly will prevail over our thoughts and actions.When these five elements unite the entire universe conspires your might making you the omnipotent next only to the omniscient almighty....Well its easier said than we still look up to those who h've accomplished rather than to look into ourselves to achieve it...                             

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