Thursday 2 November 2023

A Prison Without Walls

A prison without walls

Neither goes a day nor a night
Ever I had forgone to forget
For no any respite at sight
From horrors of heart I regret

Far and free from ties that bind
Invincible to escape them in vain
The invisible strings in my mind
Strangling me in gloom and pain

To shake them off hard I tried
Oblivion of their lingering cast
Failing to triumph loud I cried
As they creep from a callous past

With Misty eyes bleeding tears
Reciting ballads of gushing sorrow
For nothing can allay my fears
Recluse I remain with no tommorow

Stranded alone amidst this ocean vast
Endless thoughts of melancholic falls
For no where to go forever they last
I languish in this prison without Walls...

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