Saturday 20 December 2014



On a stroll along the endless shore
By the tumbling tides that roar
With the golden sun sparkling at day
And  silver moon shining  over the bay
Enduring the scorching pebbles and sand
Warping to the freezing nights I stand
To lumber along with aplomb and conceit
Of the glowing trail of my marching feet
That vanquish one's every tint of doubt
with a reply of a strong clout
But no sign of destiny all around at sight
And my waning mettle and might
I pause a while to turn and retrospect
At my staggered glowing trail prospect
Only to find them dozed and fazed
By the marauding tides that brazed
Laughing to myself at my futile dogma
I resume along to unravel the enigma
Until my feet no longer stride and sprint
To allude the world with a little hint
Lo!Here rests the one in peace
with open arms and empty sleeves
Who conquered none he believes
But left a trail for the world to see
To cherish and resume his legacy
 accepts all with no ruffle and rife
In his little sojourn called life

We presume to have conquered many things , have overcome many hurdles and have achieved a lot but at the end it matters very little or nothing for we take along nothing but  leave a luxuriant legacy to be cherished and nurtured.Its the destiny for its never ending and ever be contd....

Saturday 19 July 2014


                                           THE WINDS OF CHANGE 

   I Rose from the covers of the earth
    That nurtured  me till my birth                                      
    Gaily and slowly clearing my eyes
    Above I see the bright blue skies                                     
     I sway with ease with my leaves                                    
   merrily to the tunes that breeze weaves                                     
   With all the love n warmth from the Sun                                   
    I dream to grow into strong and one                                    
     But when all the glee turned gloom                                 
  Dwelling every fear and doom                                      
  With  the dazzling skies turning dark                                   
    As the sun vanished without a mark                                   
     When the gales began to roar                                   
    and puffy clouds began to pour                                     
   I stood firm with the eyes closed tight                                  
   marking a course of  a virtual fight                                   
  Others all tall and with all might                                       
   yet  did  soon  fell out of sight                                       
   When it all ended with the storm                                     
   I peeped out like a weary worm                                    
     To look at the serene skies above                                  
  Adorned subtly in enchanting bow                                      
  I saw with awe every friend calm n tall                                  
  who went trough every storm and fall                                      
  But for one thing it is really strange
  Ever the same are the winds of change....

In a world that is sprinting ahead on par with time we seldom have the chance to analyse the series of events we are subjected to.Eventually we embark on a journey which seems very familiar yet very strange...Before it really happened, we don't observe the change when it has happened it doesn't matter.Still the only thing that's permanent is the change

Saturday 12 April 2014


             I'm marooned in the painful  past
             In shadows of memoirs that cast
              My heart grieves for the one
              Yet for others next to none
             Burning in the rage of remorse
              In guilt making it much worse
             For all in that heinous fallacy
              Which you can never fancy
              It was all like in a trance
             I didn't had another chance 
             To set the things all straight
             By the way they were right
             I make this woeful confession
             Seeking for a divine ablution

We all make many mistakes troubling others may be deliberately or desperately,but only few of us have a second chance to set the things straight by making up for the past.Its always now or never to seek forgiveness rather than to be engulfed by the rage of remorse.             

Monday 31 March 2014


                             CONFLICTS WITH CONSCIENCE

                                  A mighty mind with I think
                                    Fast enough while I blink
                                    A bold heart with I feel
                                  Driving my nerves of steel
                                  Resides with in a silent soul
                                   Binding all above to a whole
                                   Yet all these never decide
                                    But its you ever preside
                                  Despite my prowess at peak
                                    I feel restless and meek
                                 Its nevertheless to mention
                                   For you are my reflection
                              Un driven by delight and desire
                                Unfazed by spite and satire
                                   As you stand with might
                                For what you conclude right
                                   I earnestly thrive to unite
                                  with you for eternal respite
                               Enduring all the pain with patience
                                 In the conflicts with conscience
 Like the five elements of nature that move the universe..the five elements of stature that drive one's life.The mind ,The heart,The body,The soul and last but not the least the conscience,which knowingly or unknowingly will prevail over our thoughts and actions.When these five elements unite the entire universe conspires your might making you the omnipotent next only to the omniscient almighty....Well its easier said than we still look up to those who h've accomplished rather than to look into ourselves to achieve it...                             

Sunday 16 March 2014


               I swayed off the course
              With no sign of remorse
         Seeking an explanation for the past
              Talking no offence at last
           With no fear of anything to lose
           For there are many I choose
           Allowing thing to rearrange
          With a hope to bring a change
          But something tells not to rely
         For their evil intentions that belie
             A lesson I wish to teach
            Driving them off my reach
          Though to be gentle and kind  
           Its hard to change their mind
           I don't bear upon any grudge
              For there is he to judge

Sometimes we cannot accept things going around us yet cant help prevent them. Be it material or human..deliberate or  desperate ....we always have a choice to decide who calls the shots...



                                   THE DIFFERENCE

                             I thought I could always mingle
                             But its lot easier to be single
                           At times to confess we are alike
                            Unable to shun what we dislike
                            I accede to the hilarious fact
                            For one differs in one's act
                            Like every other Iam different
                             In both psyche and physique
                            And thoughts and acts unique
                               I give my best to uphold
                             For I cant let myself behold
                          But for the axiom we all cherish
                              Alone we are all different
                          Together we make a difference                               
Its really hilarious to believe that we are all the same despite all the disparities. Every eclectic  character and emotion we observe is nothing but reflection of ourselves in a different perspective

Saturday 18 January 2014



       I come from no where here
         Lustrous and crystal clear
        Beyond rocks and ravines I see
        To reach the mighty endless sea
        Always azure and often agile
         Where I start low and alone
         And sway accord to its tone
          Rise along when alone I fall
          For I sprint ahead to stand tall
        In every effort to get back
        But needless drawn back
        I leave marking the shore
           Making no fuss and furrore
          Destined to vanish in the thin air
         Like I never existed there
            In this wonderful elixir of Life
            Hidden lies the essence of Life

Our lives are often like the water,we come from no where, mingle with one another,create a purpose ,rise to achieve it yet fall some times but finally accede destiny.All we could do is a little good and a be of a little help to the mankind for we create a legacy to uphold and  alight....Like wise in this elixir of life lies THE ESSENCE OF LIFE..