Saturday 15 May 2021

The Virtual Reality

        The Virtual Reality

I stare with awe the azure skies
For a momentous serenity to seize
Beyond the sight of curious eyes
To envision a hidden elegance to please

I listen to the rythmn of swaying breeze
In quest of a whisper swirling in silence
Traveling discreetly for eons with ease
To decipher the calling of a queer parlance

I inhale the scent of the humus fizzle
The essence of all life on and oblivion
Rising to enchant post the first mizzle
To find my place in the eternal pavilion

I strolled on stark the lush green lawn
Tasting the lustrous drops of melting dew
Cuddled in the warmth of the waking dawn
To quench the thirst of destiny I never knew

Farther from expression and encryption
Dwells a triumph of sanity to discover
Often ignored in haste and haze of Vanity
Lies secluded a heaven of virtual Reality...

Tuesday 2 February 2021

A Penance of Wisdom

   A penance of wisdom

Above the canopy of the endless sky
Brighter than shoots of evergreen peaks
Those noble ideals of your virtues lie
As the dazzling sparkle of laurels speaks

With a heart vast than the deepest seas 
 You strive to skim out priceless treasure
 For there's nothing that can appease
 As our prosperity is your only pleasure

Desparate gloom as the time presents
Yet stand tall by your conscience call
To illuminate our lives to lofty ascents
Unfazed and down by the callous fall

Lives blossom by your sheer presence 
For yours isn't a sojourn for elite stardom
But an era to preach this subtle essence
With your divine penance of wisdom