Friday 2 June 2017


        THE BEAST

Deep within my abysmal heart to reside
Nurtured along virulence & vice a while
Lays hidden a callous savage to preside
Lurking beneath a calm treacherous smile

Not the soothing drizzles of love & trust
Revive the budding shoots of its hopes slain
But the gushing floods of loathe and lust
Ameliorate the wounds of excruciating pain

Haunted by shadows of its memoirs cast
Grieving its past with a repugnant roar
For it vows to avenge the heinous outcast
Calling upon the allies of chaos and furor 

Sporting a sharp gaze of ferocious leer
Its beats of thumping heart beckon rancor
Emanating thunders of surmounting fear
As the cowards flee into havens of succor

Not so long as the virtuous strings dismount
Unleashing the brute to pounce upon with rage
The derisive laughs of oppression that surmount 
Blown off to torched dust in its fiery umbrage

Embarking a feral carnage of bloody comb
Bestows storms of annihilation and doom
Daunting it stands atop melancholic tomb
With no refrain it wreaks havoc and gloom

To taunt my mild attire you shouldn't dare
For I am a lethal beast you better beware.

 All the good and the evil in the world is within thyself.Thou shall find it as thou seek.Blessed is the one who is aware of impostors both and holds'em alike and if oblivious yet thou better beware for thou shall succumb to its flares of rage..