Tuesday 24 January 2017


           AN  ILLUSION

 In a world that is as good as real
Charming alike an infant's smile
I'm filled with  great zest and zeal
All like a trance just in a while
I let go off those binding strings
That entangle and estrange me
And fly high on the angel's wings
With those enchant and enthral me
Embellished with evergreen lawn
Humming zephyr with magpie crew
Nourished by a everglowing dawn
Its like a wish that just came true
Although I know all this is a lie
As they all  just appease and tease
I never reasoned this flaw as to why
For I envisaged to find inner peace
As delight to those I care and love
I delve deep in this chimera forever
Cloaking my eternal pain with above
Dormant in a dream to awake never
Lingering around this stark allusion
I embrace this wonderful illusion.......

Illusions aren't delusions that misguide you but also those which give you respite and blossom smiles on your beloved.. For you have fooled none but yourself  to seek a haven and make life a heaven to those around who are worth it.....

Friday 13 January 2017


               AU REVOIR
It was a wonderful sojourn to grace
As each other we greet and embrace
With all your cheers of glee I have grown
Yet I bugged you all with a  grumpy frown
As you shrug it off with a hearty smile
Leaving me aback pondering over a while
All the moments were a priceless jewel
Beyond any memoirs of ecstasy to dwell
Any skirmish  we had was more a treasure
For they remind me of our  fun and pleasure
As I clear the flock to brace the sky high
Yet I say this with a deep feeling of sigh
How  callous is this agile capricious time
Oblivion of its presence is grave crime
I bid adieu with a heavy heart and tears
With a vow to stay along for years…..

Its time to move on.....Thank you for every thing L&T