Wednesday 2 December 2015



On my serene stroll in the green lawn
Just before the sparkling crack of dawn
Cuddled by the gentle singing breeze
And magpie chirping along with ease
I gazed with awe at the horizon high
As she gaily descended from the sky
Like a sunrise above the clouds past
A dazzling face midst her tresses cast
Her lustrous smile drifts into a trance
Like a chimera in no dream a chance
Embracing with warmth to her bosom
Like a nurtured bud I bloom to blossom
Before we betroth to leave other never
The callous laws of nature prise forever
With dew abseiling as her eyelids part
She drizzles to grief with a heavy heart
Leaving to her godly celestial abode
Lingers her fragrance as I wait to bode
With clear skies and an enchanting bow
I move along the laurels steady and slow
And dwell in a trail of her memoirs sweet
With a ray of hope at a first light we meet

I can't think of a better scenario that equally portrays gloom and glee and a better relation than love that hurts when it cares......

Saturday 17 October 2015



I wouldn't know the world as I
If I haven't made the first cry
I wouldn't know of a elite parlance
Unless for an exquisite silence
I wouldn't know I was  different
Unless all around were indifferent
I wouldn't know of the brightest light
Unless I dwell though a darkest night
I wouldn't know I could ever love
Until her gaily descent from above
I wouldn't know if anything was lost
Unless everything comes with a cost
I wouldn't know to be better ever
Until I was the best to be never
I wouldn't know I could succeed
Until to defeat I should concede
I wouldn't know it's death at last
Until I leave my breath to last 
Yet all these years I have grown
Oblivion of those I have known

It seems you can't forgo one to know the other in the world as there is no shade without light and  no glee without gloom...All we could do is to endorse every little moment in life as it happens to engross in every better moment as it gets....

Sunday 5 April 2015



Today I'm hardly any complete
Stoic alike an eclipsed sun
For a void inside  must replete
Bonding with its kernel one
I lost a queer battle of its kind
knocked down to the abysmal core
With a timid heart and chaotic mind
I grieve in pain as never before
A fazed and feared me as I see
Looking down on the ruffled bay
On the waters of the calm sea
Has many a message in it to say
To grope every lane in the maze
In a quest to know what it is
For the lurking reply to amaze
To realize it's the missing piece.

I really feel unlike myself not as before where in I begin my conquest to toil every odd and fill the void with that kernel piece and be myself again.As I strongly believe Its not your fault to give in but it is a blunder to give up....

Thursday 29 January 2015



In a crowd well homely and known
yet I stand apart  lonely and alone
With prowess of verna, a polyglot
But to express the heart,none I got
Nurtured & cared as their beloved one
I dwell in their hearts but bound by none
As bright as the shining sun at noon
While obscure as the discreet moon
For I listened to an ardent inner voice
While I always made a blatant choice
Presuming cognizance on around all
Except myself  it's often a queer call
Nothing better I have in this parlance
To confess this strange acquaintance