Friday 6 July 2012


The most esoteric thing which decides the fate of every being that is almost impalpable and intangible that no clairvoyance is good enough to predict it.

You can turn a prince to pauper
And flip a failure to prosper
Without any reason to decide
To deal the challenges you provide
You make things go wild
Even they are meek and mild
To anticipate you is an enigma
For your presence is a dogma
All we could do is to dare
To stand up for and bear
When things take a sheer turn
Not knowing what's in the Urn
We can only hope for the best 
Counting on the supreme for the rest
For we get to know you
Only when we reach you
As you are different for every one
To take on you there is none


Though it wasn't my first visit to the Zoo things seemed much different for the first time. Be it the surroundings or the animals around ,but should say that it was a bizarre experience with  lots of amusement and lots of joy.........


We set out on a serene day
Leaving mundane chores at bay
Into the bushes and lushes
where animals sneak & peak
with the breeze carrying along
and the birds joining the song
Ecstatic to watch the apes dance
Swinging to the tunes the in a trance
All the wild are here mild
In habitats colored and  tiled
Though curtailed are free to live
From all fears but cheers to give
As they don't have to pray
For they no more fall prey
In a colorful world beyond
Made from a magic wand


Something really needed to soothe the blemishes of a battered life for its now or never as life is not forever.....and something to retrieve never


I need an other day to live
For all the best I can give
To renounce the painful past
with a sigh of success at last
Reining top on the day to prove
With earth and heaven on the move
Conspiring to bestow success
As a glowing tribute to my prowess
But Iam just a part of the crew here
And dreams cant be true mere
For I wish this very boon
To win back the battle soon
After I had succeeded to thrive
In this labyrinth hive
With no excuses to please 
I rest in peace with ease


          Its very strange that every living being is indulged in a relationship some way or the other be it agnostic or aesthetic.The mere purpose of which is still an enigma whether we life is the cause to relate or relationships are the roots to live......


 A cause for all to live
A mode of expression to give
For ecstatic moment to share
And all sorrows to bear
An origin without a purpose
Esoteric to grope even the corpus
The farther we move apart
The closer you bring us in heart
Its very weird to believe you
For we cant deny the due
To shun you we can only seclude
But its very difficult to preclude
All the kin & Kith ,near & dear
With a view only to avoid mere
But the truth is I can't elude
For you can breach and intrude
I can only grim & grin
In you I lose to win
To bear all you give
With a new reason to live