Thursday 21 April 2011


Until nowI have struggled alot in every sphere of my life and I hate being  this starkfor Iam nothing more than a loser.Give me another life in which my fate clothes me beautifully in success....
I had a rapturous birth on the earth
To cherish every moment with a mirth
The very moment I saw light
Didnt know that I have to fight
Irrespective of the season
Without a proper reason
I made a sincere approach
But faced a strong reproach
I fought for everything that I deserved
Could'nt get anything for they are reserved
I wonder why I was born
For the humiliation I have borne
I pray god for another chance
To bless with his parlance
With all the conaissance

Sunday 10 April 2011


   I really miss you buddy in every sphere of life........Iam really unfortunate to miss your last voyage for I want you alive smiling in my memories I treasured........
         MY FRIEND
I'm so lucky to have your company
For the virtuous deeds I did any
My haven in your friendship
Worth to me more than a kingship
When I slipped off the track
Your impetus made me spring back
You bore with ease all my pains
And cheered me with all the gains
My feelings for you are beyond words
Implicit to convey even to nerds
I wished you with me forever
But you left me to return never
I bide my time in tears
Waiting on all these years
To retire in your haven
As to me its the heaven
For which I wish a boon
Relieving me to join you soon


Guys you did a spectacular gave me a sweet memory to carry forward ..........thanx a lot for everything.. you did the job FAIRWELL  
It was an ecstatic eve of pleasure
With every moment to treasure
In a fabulous event to grace
For near and dear to embrace
An invitation  we loved to comply
For a beautiful way to say good bye
Gave the honor of  venerable seniors
Being our precious  beloved juniors
It was a wonderful FARE WELL
To end the beautiful day FAIR WELL

Friday 8 April 2011


Ahhh!!!!! atlast all my torments of excruciating exile are coming to an exuberant end.thank god
          MY COLLEGE

I came to you to get earnestly nurtured
But you made me excruciatingly withered
I thought you were actually effective
Couldnt realise ,appearances can be deceptive
To me things that were puny
Matter you the most at many
I felt rapport develops through trust and affection
But you only preffered lust and pretention
In you I wanted to be kernel part
But you ditched me to stay apart
Though you didnt teach me any
You made me learn many
For which Iam ever grateful
Bcoz efforts in earnest are always fruitful


I thought it was a part of the game set
The momemt here,when we met
But you gave us the love to bear
And abrave heart to dare
For this lovely gift you gave
We promise you to behave
Marching in the lanes you drew
Sprinting like a winning crew
Its for destiny brought us together
Our rapport will never wither
For its time you take off into the skies
We see you off with heavy eyes
Cheering for you to marvel
We bid you a happy fare well

Saturday 2 April 2011



It was a spectacular match
worthy of the cup to snatch
though we didn't give a killing start
we played smooth and smart
now we are drenched in success
for the WORLD CUP we possess
it's a memorable moment for aeons
for we are the WORLD CHAMPIONS