Monday 21 March 2011


 This time you ditched me GATE......all my efforts ended up in smoke.And you have landed me in a state of utter turmoil and chaos. for I am in wild goose chase of the IITs this one is for you

When I awaited you with anxiety
You rejected me with disparity
No longer I need you really
For you have come just formally
When I was abandoned merely
I craved to be accepted truly
Now I wonder to doubt you
And shun my desire to have you
But my struggle in the past
Reminds me of the glory vast
I think its better to avoid
For I fear to be devoid
I await my destiny with veracity
Leading a life of serenity and simplicity


I dedicate this to my brethren who are battling the servile forces for emancipation from persecution and tyranny


Arise today to achieve and prosper
waking up from the deep slumber
To relinquish the fears inside
From mind and heart where they reside
Fight harder for its better
As its the time to conquer
Make every step to succeed
And do not revive to recede
Impeach the ruthless czar
Sacrifice him to the thirsty altar
Revoke the rule of the tyrants
Who devoured our rights and grants
Let us make the fight impeccable
For we are the unstoppable
Fight with bravery.not for stardom
Out of slavery into freedom


Today I start with a view to review my insights into which I ignite a spark of spright with a belief to hold it upright

Sunday 20 March 2011

the amateur poet in me woke up with this......


Time changes now and then
Things change from rock to men
As the grains of sand in the clock
In the fall when dry leaves flock
When all the glitters turn gloom
As despair depicts deadly doom
No help from supreme and science
A spark of light from conscience
Strikes a cord with a ray of hope
Makes every thing cozy to cope
Turns every stone to sparkle in light
To the sunrays that dazzle at might
Marshy moors turn green meadows
And darkness yields to sun at dawn
To salute the victorious belief
That sprouts from a ravine relief
For its time to an imminent revival
As it’s the only means of survival


today i have entered a new era in life hoping to thrive in leaps and bounds leaving behind all the gloom and looking forward for exuberance...